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Also known as the “Age of Reason”. This period in history was a time of great knowledge, with many philosophers churning out new theories. Theories developed in this era influenced various aspects of both science and humanities. Philosophers of this era promoted the act of “questioning”, they believed as humans we are capable of thinking for ourselves. Some of these theories include; Rationalism –– a call for people to rely on reasoning and logic which would mean relying on themselves for knowledge. It also encouraged a turn away from over-dependency on religion and the church. Empiricism on the other hand encouraged people to trust in their “lived” experiences for knowledge. As the growth of radical thinkers in Europe persisted, the push back nobility and religion continued to grow. The period certainly led to a lot of -isms that we have today.


For performance inquiries, please contact the box office: (573) 882-7529

Performance Dates 

04/27 – 7:30pm

04/28 – 7:30pm

04/29– 7:30pm

04/30 – 2:00pm

04/30 – 7:30pm

05/01 – 2:00pm

Rhynsburger Theatre, 555 Hitt St, Columbia, MO 65201

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Dramaturgy by Irene Gasarah ©2022

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