While French king Louis XVI had no empathy for the American revolution, his hate for Britain was greater. King Louis dedicated most of France’s resources toward supporting the American war against Britain.

To support this very expensive war, much of France was neglected– taxes were raised on top of the already high taxes the third estate class had to pay–– while nothing changed for the first and second estates.
The first and second estate comprised of the nobility and the clergy. Despite possessing most of the wealth, they paid the fewest taxes. The third estate was reserved for the common people, most of whom were poor. This estate made up the majority of the French population and paid nearly all of the taxes.
There was a food shortage and famine affecting only 98% of the population. However, King Louis’s desire to defeat Britain also contributed to his own downfall. The king had sent “12,000 soldiers [and] 32,000 sailors” to America, and many of these soldiers who fought alongside the Americans admired them for their courage and steadfastness to the American revolution. This admiration ignited a desire to replicate this fight for liberty in France.